Thursday, March 5, 2009

Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay

Neal Patrick Harris made us cry, laughing in the first Harold and Kumar. I will never forget him standing through a sunroof snorting coke off a strippers ass while flying ten feet off the ground in a stolen car.

The first Harold and Kumar was hilarious and while it was dumb, it was National Lampoons dumb.

I was excited to see the sequel when it arrived from Netflix; I got the wife with me to watch it A.S.A.P. I don't know if I can describe in words how sad I was to see the debauchery taken to the nth degree for half the laughs.

Don't get me wrong I loved the 'Bottomless Party' where none of the girls wore pants, dresses or panties. In fact I am trying to plan one of my own; however the we're not topless we're bottomless gag was not a big enough punchline for the makers of the film and I was subjected to seeing an enormous Ball Fro complete with veiny wiener for 3 whole seconds longer than can be blocked out with medication.

And yes I know that threesomes are awesome and it is funny for a pothead to include a Ginormous bag of weed as girl number two, but wrist deep? Really?

Only five minutes of the movie were worth five minutes. The most impressive minute was Harold and Kumar smoking dope with George W.. This must of been what they used to pitch the movie. The second minute is of course, Neal Patrick Harris. The third minute, I won't spoil it, but Cyclops with teddy bear is all you need to know. There are another two minutes sprinkled in 10 second gags throughout the movie.
Harold: "Neil, can you just focus on driving? You've had-- Focus on the road. You've had dozens of schrooms, my friend."
Neil Patrick Harris: "Uh, Dude, I was able to perform an appendectomy at age 14. I think I can handle a couple mushrooms."
Kumar: "Wasn't that just a TV Show?"
Neil Patrick Harris: "Jesus Christ! Did you see that unicorn? It's horn was so shiny."

The first movie was National Lampoons the second was dry John Waters. If you can't resist, I recommend not getting the unrated edition.

Available at Netflix

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